What is the Procedure for Selling a House to Foreigners in Turkey?

According to the Housing Sales Statistics of the Turkish Statistical Institute, the rate of foreigners buying housing in Turkey is constantly increasing. While house sales to foreign nationals and expatriates continued to increase, the need to inform real estate owners about this issue arose. There are some legal restrictions that people who want to sell a house to foreigners should pay attention to.

What are Housing Sales Transactions to Foreigners?

Для продажи жилья иностранцам необходимо записаться на прием в Главное управление земельной регистрации и кадастра. Записаться на прием можно по телефону Alo 181 в стране и по телефону +90 312 593 99 00 из-за рубежа. Онлайн-запрос на прием можно создать через систему назначения земельных участков Главного управления земельной регистрации и кадастра. Владельцы недвижимости и иностранные покупатели должны присутствовать в офисе земельного кадастра в назначенный день и время.

What are the Documents Required for the Deed Transfer Process?

The documents that must be submitted at the title deed in order to sell a house to foreigners are as follows:

  • Real estate deed
  • Identity document or passport (Translation of the passport may be requested if deemed necessary.)
  • Real estate fair value certificate to be obtained from the municipality
  • Compulsory Earthquake Insurance (DASK) policy
  • If the transaction will be carried out with a power of attorney issued abroad, the original and notarized copy of the sworn translation of the power of attorney

It is also necessary to obtain a real estate appraisal report. The valuation report, which determines the current value of the real estate, is considered valid for 3 months from the date it is issued. The appraisal report, which indicates the value of the real estate in the period to be purchased, must also be recorded in the online TAKBİS system of the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre.

If there is a party who does not speak Turkish, a sworn translator must be present.

As Antalya Home Guide, we find the most ideal house for you and support you in this process.

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